Thursday 6 June 2013


1st time tgk trailer cerita KIL movie neh 2 years ago, well agak shock gak, 
jalan cerita dia de sebuah company yg boleh tolong sape2 yg nak bunuh diri tapi tak sanggup nak buat sendiri so diaowg boleh upah this company, macam sangat pelik, 
& make me thinking kalau de kat reality, must be worse things ever that I heard or see. 

Then, bru tahun 2013 neh klua this movie, I go out watch with my sis, 
& at the end, actually cerita neh sampaikan something yg bermakna which is
not to waste or take away ur life because you have depresssion ! NO u can't !! 

this company actually just make a gimik konon mereka akan kill people that upah mereka 
but actually they just want this people to SEDAR 
that they actually still want their life back.
& they dont really kill them, no.

And sometimes, I actually feel sad when people say 
"Aku nak bunuh dri" , "Tak nak idup kat dunia neh dah", "xde sape kisah klu aku mati" 
it make me think, how can they come to that stage that want to kill themselve,
I just want to go to this people & say 
"Hey, look around! if u appreciate all the things around you even little things, 
u will find a reason u want to still alive.